Breaking Through Age Bias: Harnessing Social Media Visibility for Job Search Success

Have you ever found yourself feeling frustrated and concerned because you're not getting interviews despite your qualifications and experience? You're not alone. 

Many job seekers come to us with the worry that they are being overlooked solely because of their age. 

It's disheartening to think that ageism might be holding you back from landing a job you want. These stereotypes assume that older job seekers (and this can be those over 40) are less adaptable, lack technology competence, and struggle to learn new skills. As a result, qualified candidates are often unfairly passed over by hiring managers who make age-related assumptions. 

There are things you can do to address ageism head-on. One strategy is to amp up your social media presence.

I know that for many of you, that isn’t of interest. Hear me out, though.

By leveraging social media effectively, you can increase your visibility, challenge these stereotypes, expand your professional network, access hidden job opportunities, and present yourself as a dynamic and adaptable professional.

Isn’t that your goal in your job search?

Social Media Visibility

I am not talking about spending hours and hours on Instagram or TikTok. I am talking about being strategic about where and how you spend your time.

By being visible on social media, you can do the following:

Showcase Your Expertise: I am assuming that after working many years in your career, you are good at many things. Social media platforms provide an opportunity to showcase this knowledge and your skills and expertise in a public way. By sharing valuable insights, industry-related articles, or your opinion about what is happening in your profession or industry, you establish yourself as a credible professional, regardless of your age. This can counteract stereotypes or assumptions that you are out of touch or lack current knowledge.

Demonstrating That You Are Adaptable: What better way to show you are adaptable is to embrace social media and use it effectively? This can challenge the perception that you are less comfortable or proficient with technology and are out of touch with what younger generations are doing.

Network and Increase Your Connections: Social media platforms, particularly professional networking platforms like LinkedIn, provide opportunities to connect with many different professionals, including industry or professional authorities, hiring managers, and recruiters. By participating in discussions, contributing your insights, and engaging with others, you can build connections and relationships that may lead to job opportunities. This can help you bypass age-related biases because your network will get to know who you are and what you do. You will be more than your written resume.

Access the Hidden Job Market: Social media platforms often are a place to share job openings and recruitment efforts. Being active and visible on these platforms increases your chances of coming across job opportunities that may not be on job boards. This can help you tap into the hidden job market and gain an advantage in your job search.

You Are a Human. Your Profiles Can Show This: Social media allows you to add a personal touch to your professional profile. By sharing glimpses of your personality, interests, hobbies, or volunteer work, you can humanize your online presence and challenge preconceived notions about older workers that they have no outside-of-work interests or aren’t able to pursue activities requiring new skills (for example, being a drone pilot). People hire people they feel like they know, like, and trust. This can help you establish this.

Geography Does Not Become a Limiting Factor: Social media does not have geographical boundaries. You can connect with professionals and companies beyond your immediate location. This opens up a much larger range of job opportunities and the ability to showcase your skills and experience to a wider audience.

So What Should You Do On Social Media?

There are many things you can do on various social media channels. and present yourself as a dynamic and adaptable professional.

Build a Robust LinkedIn Profile: LinkedIn is the main professional networking and job-searching social media channel. Writing one should never be an afterthought. Make it interesting. Create a comprehensive and engaging profile that highlights your skills, experience, and accomplishments. Make sure your headshot is professional looking and has a banner that is consistent with your professional brand, and write a compelling about section where you discuss who you are and what you do. Include relevant keywords to optimize your profile for searchability.

Comments Are Gold: If you want to become more visible, comment on the posts of others. This doesn’t have to take a lot of time; even 15 minutes a day can boost your visibility. Target the posts of people in your network, industry influencers, and hiring managers for the biggest impact.

You Have Expertise. Showcase It: Share your knowledge and insights by posting. This establishes your expertise and demonstrates your ongoing engagement in your field. It also shows you are social media savvy.

Groups Are Where You Will Find Like-Minded Individuals: Actively participate in industry or professionally-related groups and forums on LinkedIn and other social media. Contribute to conversations, offer valuable insights, and engage with other professionals in your field. This helps you build connections, expand your network, and stay up to date with the latest industry trends. People get to know you are more than words on a profile.

The Power of Networking: Use LinkedIn to connect with professionals in your industry or those working in companies you are interested in. Always send a note with your request mentioning shared interests or common connections to increase the likelihood of acceptance. Remember always to give more than you want to receive. Building genuine relationships online can lead to offline opportunities.

Request Recommendations on LinkedIn: Ask former colleagues, supervisors, or clients to write recommendations on LinkedIn. Have them write about your skills, experiences, and knowledge that you know are important to employers of interest. Especially focus on those that you have worked with most recently. These recommendations add credibility to your profile and provide social proof of your abilities.

Follow Your Target Organizations: Identify companies you are interested in and follow their LinkedIn pages. This lets you stay updated on their latest news, job openings, and industry insights. Engage with their content by liking, commenting, or sharing, which can help you establish connections within the organization.

Check Your Online Presence: Review your social media profiles, including platforms like Facebook and Twitter, to ensure they present you in a positive and professional light. When in doubt, delete a post or untag yourself. Remove any potentially controversial or unprofessional content and ensure your privacy settings are appropriately configured.


The fast-paced nature of social media can be daunting, especially for individuals who did not grow up with these technologies. Don’t let it stop you from using it to your advantage. If you can establish yourself as an interesting, thoughtful person that embraces modern communication methods, you can help overcome the stigma of being over a certain age and out of touch. Use the tools you have readily available, and see if it doesn’t make a difference. 

My Career GPS can help job seekers put their best foot forward by providing the tools for a successful job search. If you need career coaching, resume strategy, interview skills assessment, or LinkedIn profile assistance, she can help. Schedule a 15-minute no-obligation consultation.


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