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Job Search Tips From Successful 2021 Job Seekers

It seems like the entire world is looking for a new job. Whether it is called the “Great Resignation,” the “Great Repriorization,” or the “Great Reshuffle,” workers are on the move. It started in early 2021 and does not look to be stopping any time soon.

The start of the new year has always been a time when many people think about switching jobs. The new year often gives thoughts to personal improvement, and certainly, many are thinking about work as an area that could use improvement in their lives.

So, wouldn’t it be helpful, if you are in a job search or thinking of one, to learn from the people that successfully found a new job in 2021? 

Job Search Advice

I asked a few of my former clients and other successful job seekers to provide tips that they feel would be useful for anyone searching for a job. Read what these five had to say, and then start incorporating these winning strategies into your job search.

Interviewing Advice

“If you are lucky enough to get an interview, take it very seriously. Research the company’s profile as well as the profile(s) of the executives interviewing you on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. Note a few interesting/fun facts that can be used to break the ice at the beginning of the interview. In this new virtual/remote reality, it is important to dress appropriately, maintain eye contact with your interviewer(s) and relax. Check your connection, lighting, and background, so the interviewers are focused on what you are saying and nothing else.” - Crystal LaCore

She also advises sending a thank you note after your interviews.

Networking Advice

“A lesson I wished I had learned early on in my career was the value of continuing to build and stay in contact with my network. Our network is the most useful source of job leads, especially for leadership roles. Also, having this network gives you a sounding board for issues you are facing at work. And this relationship goes both ways. You must be willing to help members of your network just as they will, in turn, assist you. For those days when you feel like you are on an island by yourself at work, they can be that lifeline to get you through tough times. And they are there to celebrate the wins as well! A great resource on this topic is Dig Your Well Before You're Thirsty by Harvey Mackay.”- Cynthis Keaton

More Networking Advice (See a Theme?)

“What everyone wants to know-“How did you land your new job?”

Exactly the same way I found my last job and my previous job. Relationships and networking.

I met the CFO of this company at a local industry networking event several months ago. That led to some conversations about the organizations’ needs and goals and allowed us both the opportunity to see if there was sustainable alignment.

Job boards are great tools! But they will never replace the impact of connecting organically.

If you’re job searching, my advice is to cultivate relationships within that space. Attend industry networking and social events, even virtual ones. Don’t approach networking with a “what can this person do for me,” rather search out mutually beneficial ways to connect.

 I have learned that approaching any task from a perspective of being “of service” yields the best results.” - Jill Osborn

Advice About Time for Job Searching and Getting Help

“The first tip I will share with anyone who is looking for a job is to understand that looking for a job is a full-time job, so you have to dedicate time to this. If you only “look” one day a week or maybe every 15 days is going to be hard. You have to dedicate time every day or most of the day, no matter if it’s 15 minutes or one hour.

Second, if you are not receiving any response or the response you are getting is not the type of positions or companies you will like to join, stop for a moment and try to look for someone who might give you advice about your CV or how are you doing your interview.  There are plenty of resources. Some might even be free; you need to have an open mind for this. You might be surprised how this could change your opportunities.”- Claudia M.

Claudia added that if you are not getting the results you want, you have to try something different. Continuing to do the same thing will only get you the same result. Lastly, she says not to give up. Keep trying. Claudia had a goal for herself for the type of role she wanted and organization, and she kept at it and finally found her dream job in 2021.

Advice About Hiring Professionals, Interviewing, and Using LinkedIn.

“I unexpectedly found myself looking for a new job in mid-2021.  It wasn’t that I had lost my job or was laid off, it was a situation where the company was going through a transition, and it just felt like the right time to explore other options.  It was a new experience for me as I was looking for a new role while still actively employed.  The feeling of being disloyal bothered me until I spoke to my direct supervisor, who said he was considering a move himself.  Then it was game on.  Some things I learned through the process:

-          Hire a professional to update your resume!

-          Review videos on the Targeted Selection interview process; practice providing STAR responses to interview questions.

-          Tailor STARs (Situation-Task-Action-Result) to the interviewer (I went through seven interviews for my current position and had to craft relevant STARs for the CISO, CSO, CTO, CHRO, Legal, and others).

-          Build your brand and start networking on LinkedIn!”-Ryan Rambo


Asking for help, networking, and preparing for interviews is not new advice. It is something that career coaches have been saying for years. We say it for a reason. It works!

Lastly, I’d like to leave you with the words of advice from Jill Osborn about job search motivation. While an accomplished professional in her field, she did not find a new job right away. Here is what she had to say about that experience.

“…If you’re discouraged because even in this job market that’s being touted as “everyone is hiring, anyone can get a job” and you’re being ghosted, or not getting interviews or not getting hired, try to hold onto the trust that you’ll land where you’re meant to be.” 

You may also be interested in reading 7 Strategic Mistakes People Make In Their Job Search.

Shelley Piedmont is a job search coach. She wants to help job seekers put their best foot forward by providing the tools for a successful job search. If you need career coaching, resume preparation, interview skills assessment, or LinkedIn profile assistance, she can help. Schedule a 15-minute no-obligation consultation.

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