Hate Your Job? How to Survive It While Looking for a Better One
When you feel detached from your work and the organization, it may feel like the only solution is getting yourself out of there quickly. Yet, that may not be the right solution. Spend some time to assess what is going on with you and whether a change in scenery will improve your situation in the long run. Remember: it is never a good idea to flee a job; it is always better to go towards something that is a better fit.
Are You Motivated or Burnt Out?
If you realize that you are using too many burnout skills, impacting your career and personal life, then this information is vital to understanding what roles are a better fit.
Writing Your Own Career Manifesto
You can craft your Declaration of Independence—your career manifesto. This personal declaration can guide you toward a career that aligns with your strengths, values, skills, and personality-based interests. This manifesto can be your GPS for improvement, achievement, and success.
Is This All There Is? Stop Procrastinating And Explore A Career Change
Yesterday, did you ever stare at your computer screen and wonder, "Is this all there is?"
If you did (or if not yesterday, in the recent past), you can join millions of people worldwide who were thinking the same thing.
Yet how many people do something about it?
Motivational Skills: What Are They And Their Importance To Career Happiness
Understanding our motivational skills is essential for finding fulfillment and happiness in our careers. These skills energize us, allowing us to feel accomplished and happy.
12 Signs It Might Be Time To Leave Your Job
With the start of a new year, many people think about making positive changes in their lives. We all know the common ones, like losing weight and eating better. But did you know that one of the top five resolutions in 2021 was career-related? It was “Pursuing a Career Ambition.”Given the “Great Resignation” made headlines in 2021, no doubt making a change in one’s career will rank high on the list for 2022.
So are you thinking about one?
How will you know if it is time to quit your job?
4 Workplace Changes That Prompt Me To Give Thanks
In the United States, we celebrate Thanksgiving on the 4th Thursday in November. It is a great time to review the happenings of the past 11 months and give thanks for the good things that have happened. It has been a fascinating year for those of us helping job seekers find exciting and fulfilling work. 2021 has been the year of the "Great Resignation," hybrid work, and vaccine mandates. There have been several positive trends in employment and recruiting that I am pleased to see.
Why People Quit Without Another Job (And Why Some Don't)
Whether you quit without having another position is an individual decision, and the choice has to be the right one for you, based upon your circumstances.
Reasons Why Agency Recruiters Need Perfect Candidates
Most people do not understand how third-party recruiters (non-company-based) work in the marketplace. You may not have ever worked with one before. If you understand the business model (especially how they get paid), you will better understand how they operate and how to best work with one of these recruiters.
Block lists are not often discussed, but they can be problematic for job seekers who want to return to an employer. Who makes the decision, and what is its basis? Is it permanent, set in stone for all time, or can it expire after some time? In what circumstances will a returnee know this is the situation, and is there a procedure to review this designation?