Interviewing Shelley Piedmont Interviewing Shelley Piedmont

Terrible questions to ask if you really want the job

Terrible questions are those that show ignorance, laziness or just do not put the job seeker in a good light. Often these are questions that either could have been answered with a quick internet search prior to the interview or those that indicate the individual is only asking from the lens of how does the job benefit me.

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Interviewing Shelley Piedmont Interviewing Shelley Piedmont

Get the job like I did. How to prepare for an interview.

Every candidate is selling what they can do to an audience that is looking to buy. Like cars in a dealer showroom, they all are transportation, but each has different features that are needs or wants for different audiences. Your job as a candidate is to figure out what you can do and what “features” you have that would be of interest to the buyer…

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