My Career GPS

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Writing Your Own Career Manifesto

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As we approach Independence Day in the US, it's a great time to reflect on freedom—not just in the historical sense of starting a new country, but in our personal and professional lives. Thomas Jefferson once said,

This powerful statement should resonate with those who strive for personal fulfillment in their careers.

The Founding Fathers crafted the Declaration of Independence to define what they wanted their new country to be about. You can craft your own Declaration of Independence—your career manifesto. This personal declaration can guide you toward a career that aligns with your strengths, values, skills, and personality-based interests. This manifesto can be your GPS for improvement, achievement, and success.

If you haven't thought much about what you want to achieve in your career, the manifesto is a tool to help you. Through self-assessment, goal setting, and a clear action plan, you can design a career that brings you both satisfaction and freedom.

Understanding a Career Manifesto

Creating a career manifesto might sound lofty, but think of it as making a professional vision board. It's all about clarifying what you want, value, and, most importantly, how you will get there.

What is a Career Manifesto?

A career manifesto is your career GPS. It's a written statement that outlines your professional goals, values, and vision. It is a clear and concise document that captures who you are, what you believe in, and what is important to you in your career. Just like a vision board helps you visualize your dreams, a career manifesto enables you to articulate your professional aspirations.

You create a tangible representation of your professional identity by writing down your goals and values. This boosts your confidence and helps you communicate your vision more effectively to potential employers, colleagues, and mentors.

I suggest that your career manifesto has three parts:

  • Self-assessment and vision for the future

  • Your core values and professional choices aligned with them

  • Goal setting and an action plan

Let's talk about what should be in each section.

Self-Assessment and Vision for the Future

Before creating a meaningful career manifesto, it's crucial to reflect on your professional journey thus far. We often do not stop and think about our careers in our hectic lives. Making the time to do this will help you gain clarity and direction as you plan the next steps in your career.

Self-Assessment: Evaluating Your Current Career Status

Take stock of where you are in your career by considering the following questions:

  1. What are your core strengths and skills?

    • Identify the skills and qualities that have been instrumental in your career success. These could include leadership abilities, technical skills, or expertise in a specific industry.

  2. Where do you see growth opportunities?

    • Reflect on areas where you can further develop or acquire new skills. This could involve enhancing your technical skills, improving your project management capabilities, or bringing innovation to an organization.

  3. What aspects of your current role do you find most fulfilling?

    • Pinpoint the tasks, responsibilities, or projects that bring you the most satisfaction. Understanding what motivates and energizes you is essential in shaping a future career path that will allow you to thrive.

  4. What have been your key learnings from past experiences?

    • Reflect on your achievements and challenges. Consider how these experiences will shape your professional values, goals, and aspirations in the future.

Vision for the Future: Mapping Out Your Ideal Career

Once you've assessed your current position and reflected on your journey, it's time to envision your ideal career path:

  1. Defining Success on Your Terms

    • What does success look like to you at this stage of your career? It could involve achieving a leadership role, transitioning into a new industry, or striking a better work-life balance.

  2. Setting Long-Term Career Goals

    • Where do you envision yourself professionally in the next 5 to 10 years? Consider the milestones you'd like to achieve, such as advancing in your current field, branching out into entrepreneurship, or engaging in activities outside of work, like volunteering.

  3. Identifying Your Preferred Work Environment

    • Think about the workplace culture and environment best suits your personality and work style. There is no one best work environment; only the environment is best for you.

Defining Your Professional Values

Understanding and aligning with your core values is crucial for finding fulfillment in your career. When your values align with your work environment and your employer's expectations, you're more likely to feel a sense of satisfaction and purpose at the end of each day.

Examples of Core Values

  1. Personal Integrity: Upholding honesty, ethics, and transparency in all professional dealings.

  2. Creativity and Innovation: Valuing opportunities to think creatively and contribute new ideas.

  3. Work-Life Balance: Prioritizing time for personal pursuits and maintaining a healthy equilibrium between work and home life.

  4. Continuous Learning and Growth: Seeking opportunities for professional development and skill enhancement.

  5. Impact and Contribution: Feeling fulfilled by making a positive difference within the organization or the broader community.

Your values may be different. There are no right or wrong core values. The only important thing is to understand what is right for you.

Importance of Value Alignment in Work Happiness

When there's a disconnect between your values and the expectations of your job or employer, you might feel conflicted or dissatisfied—a bit like coming home feeling "dirty" after a day that didn't align with your principles.

Seeking reciprocity in values from your employer is crucial for long-term job satisfaction. By defining and prioritizing your professional values, you empower yourself to pursue opportunities that resonate with you and your beliefs. This alignment enhances your job satisfaction and contributes to a more meaningful and fulfilling career journey.

Setting Clear and Achievable Goals

Setting clear and achievable goals is essential for navigating your mid-career phase with purpose and direction. Here are examples of goals tailored for mid-career job seekers:

Example Short-Term Goals (1-2 Years)

  1. Professional Development: Complete a certification or training program relevant to your current field or desired career path.

  2. Skill Enhancement: Master a new technology or software tool increasingly relevant in your industry.

  3. Networking: Attend industry conferences or join professional associations to expand your network and stay updated on industry trends.

  4. Career Advancement: Identify and apply for leadership or senior-level positions within your current organization or seek opportunities for upward mobility elsewhere.

Long-Term Goals (5-10 Years)

  1. Leadership Role: Secure a senior leadership position with oversight over (list).

  2. Entrepreneurial Venture: Launch your business or consultancy based on your unique skills and industry knowledge.

  3. Industry Impact: Become a recognized expert or thought leader in your field through publications, speaking engagements, or industry contributions.

  4. Work-Life Integration: Achieve a sustainable work-life balance that allows for personal fulfillment outside professional responsibilities.

Action Plan for Goal Achievement

  1. Goal Setting: Write your goals using the SMART framework (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound).

  2. Breaking Goals into Milestones: Divide larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks with specific deadlines to make them seem less overwhelming.

  3. Continuous Learning: Allocate time each week or month for ongoing skill development and knowledge acquisition.

  4. Networking and Relationship Building: Actively engage with mentors, peers, and industry professionals to foster connections and opportunities for growth.

By setting these goals and developing a structured action plan, you empower yourself to achieve them. As the saying goes, a goal without a plan is just a wish.

Creating and Maintaining Momentum

This can often be the hardest part of the process. While it can be fun to dream up your desired career, it is a lot harder to make it a reality. Here are some suggestions for staying on track and making progress toward your goals.

Sustaining Motivation

  1. Regularly Review and Revise Goals:

    • Action Steps: Schedule monthly or quarterly check-ins to assess your progress. Adjust your goals as needed based on your achievements and any new insights or opportunities that arise.

  2. Celebrate Milestones:

    • Action Steps: Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, both big and small. This could be as simple as treating yourself to a nice dinner or taking a day off to relax.

  3. Stay Inspired:

    • Action Steps: To stay motivated and inspired, read industry publications, follow thought leaders, and attend seminars or webinars.

Overcoming Challenges

  1. Anticipate and Plan for Obstacles:

    • Action Steps: Identify potential challenges that might arise and develop strategies to overcome them. This proactive approach will help you stay on track even when difficulties arise.

  2. Seek Support and Accountability:

    • Action Steps: Join a professional group or find a mentor who can offer guidance and hold you accountable. Regular check-ins with a trusted colleague or friend can also help keep you motivated.

  3. Maintain a Positive Mindset:

    • Action Steps: Practice mindfulness or meditation to stay positive and focused. Surround yourself with supportive and encouraging people.

Sample Career Manifesto

What does this look like when you put it all together? Here is an example of a career manifesto for a mid-career professional. Let's call her Pattie.

Pattie's Career Manifesto

Who I Am

I'm Pattie, a 40-year-old digital marketing enthusiast passionate about creative strategies and innovative campaigns. I'm also a mom to two amazing teens who keep me on my toes and remind me daily of the importance of staying adaptable and forward-thinking.

My Vision

I aspire to become a VP of Digital Marketing for a Fortune 500 company in consumer products. I want to lead a team that pushes the boundaries of digital engagement and brings fresh, impactful ideas to the table. I envision myself at the helm of major campaigns that drive results and set new standards in the industry.

Core Values

  1. Integrity: I believe in honesty and transparency in all my dealings. Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship with clients, team members, or partners.

  2. Creativity: Innovation is my driving force. I thrive on brainstorming sessions and love turning wild ideas into reality.

  3. Work-Life Balance: Balancing a demanding career with family life is crucial. I want a role that understands and respects personal time, allowing me to be present at work and home.

  4. Continuous Learning: The digital world is always evolving, and so am I. I'm committed to constantly upgrading my skills and knowledge to stay ahead of the curve.


Short-Term (1-2 Years)

  1. Obtain a Certification in Advanced Digital Marketing:

    • Enroll in an online course to deepen my understanding of the latest digital marketing trends and tools.

  2. Improve Public Speaking Skills:

    • Join a local Toastmasters group to become more confident and effective in presenting ideas to large audiences.

  3. Expand Professional Network:

    • Attend industry conferences and join digital marketing forums to connect with other professionals and share insights.

Long-Term (5-10 Years)

  1. Secure a VP Position in Digital Marketing:

    • Aim for leadership roles that offer a path to becoming a VP, focusing on companies that value innovation and creativity.

  2. Launch a Personal Blog or YouTube Channel:

    • Share my experiences, tips, and insights on digital marketing to build a personal brand and establish myself as a thought leader.

  3. Work on Major Industry-Changing Campaigns:

    • Lead projects that significantly impact the industry, setting new trends and standards.

Action Plan

  1. Goal Setting: Use the SMART framework to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals.

  2. Learning and Development: Dedicate weekly time to learning new digital marketing tools and techniques. Read industry blogs, take online courses, and stay updated with the latest trends.

  3. Networking: Actively participate in industry events, both online and in person. Connect with peers on LinkedIn and join relevant professional groups.

  4. Work-Life Balance: Set clear boundaries between work and personal time. Schedule regular family activities and personal downtime to recharge.

Maintaining Momentum

  1. Regular Reviews: Schedule monthly check-ins to review progress on my goals and make adjustments as needed.

  2. Celebrate Achievements: Take time to celebrate both big and small wins. Whether it's completing a certification or landing a new project, every achievement is a step toward my ultimate goal. My outside-of-work passion is photography, so depending on the achievement, a new piece of equipment to help me take better photographs would be a treat.

  3. Stay Inspired: Follow industry leaders, read inspiring books, and attend motivational seminars to keep my energy and enthusiasm high.


Many people drift through their careers without a clear direction, hoping they will land in a situation that works for them. Don't let this be you. Be proactive—understand what you truly want and go after it with determination. You only live once, so make your career something you're proud of, not something that leaves you with regrets. A career manifesto can help you achieve what truly will fulfill you and bring you joy.

Shelley Piedmont is a Career Coach who focuses on understanding your unique skills, interests, and aspirations and provides personalized coaching to guide you toward roles where you can truly thrive. Whether you are stuck as to what your next career move should be or need help with resumes, LinkedIn profiles, or interview preparation, Shelley is here to help you. Please set up an exploratory call to find out how she can help you reach your career goals.