Yes, You Can Love Your Job
Some people believe that a job is just something you have to endure. I do not and will not believe that. While I do not think your work has to be a passion project, I do think that if you know yourself and what you are good at and like to do, you can find opportunities that are a good fit. From my two examples, it wasn't because I got lucky. I had a plan. I knew what I wanted. I proactively looked for the right opportunities and did not settle.
How to Show Your Value During Your Job Search
To show value, you need to understand your audience. Figure out what they value, and in all aspects of your job search, demonstrate this value. Doing so time-and-time again demonstrates your personal brand.
How to Apply the 80/20 Rule for Job Search Success
What this means is that all effort is not created equal. The application of this as a job seeker is that not all activities are created equal. To be the most effective, you have to identify the activities that are likely to give you the most return on investment, that 20%, and put 80% of your effort behind them.
So How Do You Come Up With Your Value Proposition?
Career coaches talk a lot about value propositions. But it is a concept that confuses many people. So the admonition to make your value proposition into a compelling story feels to many like career coaches are speaking a foreign language. How can I do that when I don't even know what a value proposition is?
How to Determine Your "Must-Haves" for a New Job
Make sure that when you look for a job, you think through before you apply or network with others, what are the "must-haves" for you. The "must-haves" will help you to be proactive and know the types of firms you want to target, but it will also keep you from being swept off your feet by an opportunity that is too good to be true.
What Value Do You Bring to an Employer?
What value do you bring to an employer is a crucial question to ask yourself. When you do this (and you need to do this for each employer since your value may be different), you will write a targeted resume that addresses that employers' needs. If you have not been getting interviews, it may be because your resume is not reflective of the value you bring to this employer.
Ask The Career Coach: Job Search Focus and Motivation
I have been out of work since March due to the pandemic. It is now several months later, and I am no closer to getting a job. I seem to be unfocused with my job search. At first, I was gung-ho to find work, but I am now finding myself spending less and less time on my job search. Do you have any suggestions?
Is It Wrong of Me to Want to Leave My Job during the Pandemic?
You have been thinking about leaving your job for a while. It no longer seems like a good fit. You are not happy and have been dreaming of something else. Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit. You see so many people out of work and really struggling. Yet, you remain unhappy with your work. What should you do?
How to Figure out Your Career Purpose
Are you envious when you hear people talk about their purpose? Do you think to yourself, how do they know their career purpose when I do not even know what I want to make for dinner this evening? While some people may know their purpose early, the vast majority of people do not. You may be mid-career and still do not have a clear picture of your career purpose. That’s okay. It is not too late to figure it out.
Block lists are not often discussed, but they can be problematic for job seekers who want to return to an employer. Who makes the decision, and what is its basis? Is it permanent, set in stone for all time, or can it expire after some time? In what circumstances will a returnee know this is the situation, and is there a procedure to review this designation?