What is urgent/important in your job search?
How can you use your job search time more efficiently? Everyone only has 24 hours in their day. Each of these hours is precious. Once that time is gone, there is not getting it back. Therefore, using your time wisely, especially when it comes to a job search, is so important.
Moving and Need A New Job? 6 Steps For Success
When you start looking, potential employers will want to have a date from you as to when you would be available to start. If you cannot give them one, it makes the decision to bring you on much harder for the employer, as you have added a level of risk that most employers do not want to take on. Without a specific date when you will be settled and available for work, the employer cannot do their labor planning appropriately.
Are Thank You Notes After An Interview Necessary?
As a career coach, I look at a thank you note as one piece of your marketing package (including your resume, portfolio, etc.). You want to market yourself in a positive way to the hiring team. Your thank you note is often the last interaction people in the hiring team may have with you. I would encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity.
How To Stop Sabotaging Your Job Interview
Hiring managers are looking for relevant experience, sure, but they are also looking at a candidate’s fit with the team, management, and the company culture. If any of those things feel “off” during the interview, the candidate will have a hard time convincing the hiring team that his/her skills can overcome their reservations.
Get the job like I did. How to prepare for an interview.
Every candidate is selling what they can do to an audience that is looking to buy. Like cars in a dealer showroom, they all are transportation, but each has different features that are needs or wants for different audiences. Your job as a candidate is to figure out what you can do and what “features” you have that would be of interest to the buyer…
How To Successfully Job Search After Being Fired
So how do you position yourself when you have been let go from your job? What do you put on your resume or say to someone that asks you about it? This is going to be situational depending on what happened.
Want Better Job Search Success? Spend The Time On It
While there is not a direct correlation between the amount of time one puts into a job search and success, my anecdotal experience is that the more you put in, the more progress you will make.
Yes, You Can Network: How To Find People and Companies
Networking and becoming a referral can be a powerful tool in your job search, but job seekers are often stymied on how to find people to network with. You are told to find people using the internet. But how? Follow what recruiters do. Sourcing is a significant part of the job for most recruiters.
Unconscious hiring bias. What is it and how to beat it.
Unconscious bias is everywhere people. While we may not want to acknowledge it, hiring managers bring their unconscious biases to the hiring process all the time.