The Power of Public Recommendations for Job Seekers
One of the main benefits of public recommendations is that they lend credence to a job seeker’s work history, skills, and abilities.
Are You Making Yourself Invisible On Linkedin?
Your LinkedIn profile choices make it difficult for many job seekers to be found in searches.
That is because they need to strategically use LinkedIn's auto-complete and drop-down options to complete sections of their profiles.
Why Your LinkedIn Feed is Awful and How to Fix It
If you're feeling frustrated with your LinkedIn feed, don't despair! You can take several steps to improve your feed's relevance and value. By following my tips, you can create a more personalized and engaging experience on LinkedIn.
7 LinkedIn Profile Mistakes You Need to Stop Making
A well-written and exciting LinkedIn profile may result in getting contacted for roles of interest by a recruiter, a hiring manager wanting to bring you in for an interview, or a connection letting you know about an opportunity that is right for you. Wouldn’t you like that?
Want To Show Higher In LinkedIn Search Results? Do This.
Be strategic when it comes to LinkedIn. Understanding how to use LinkedIn to your benefit can have a big payoff. According to Richard van der Blom, having a strong profile can result in 30-40% more reach and a higher ranking in search results. Who wouldn’t want that?
Do Not Make These 11 LinkedIn Mistakes
But there is a "right" and "wrong" way to be on LinkedIn. Are you committing any of these LinkedIn "don'ts" that may be hindering your job search?
The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Of LinkedIn Profile Photos
They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. On LinkedIn, it is more apt to say that a picture is worth a thousand views.
How To Help Your Connections Help You During Your Job Search
You may have have heard that networking is one of the keys to job search success. Yet some people are hesitant to use their network of contacts for fear, among other reasons, that the connection will be bothered by any request for help. This is where having a strategy that makes it easier for your connections to introduce you to others can bring more success.