Emphasize Soft Skills On Your Resume For Better Job Search Success
Don’t just focus on hard skills in your resume. The reader, either a recruiter or hiring manager, wants to understand everything that you can bring of value. Smart recruiters and hiring managers know that while hard skills can get you an interview, your soft skills will often get you the job offer. So make sure you are emphasizing both on your resume.
10 Job Search Hacks To Make You More Effective
Everyone likes a good hack. So I have come up with 10 (plus a bonus hack) to help you with your job search. Each one addresses a different aspect of your job search and can save you time or help increase your efficiency. Try them out!
Thinking About Leaving Your Job? Do These 10 Things First.
So many people are unhappy with their current work situation. They didn’t want to make a move during the pandemic, but, at least in the US, the pandemic’s effects seem to be lessening. Many people are now considering making a job switch.
17 Great Resources To Develop A Targeted Employer List
Many people believe that they are conducting a good job search if they apply to as many jobs as possible. Will all these jobs be a good fit? Probably not. Many are likely a bad fit. So what you have done is expended energy on activities that are counter to your goal. That does not make sense.
Do Not Make These 11 LinkedIn Mistakes
But there is a "right" and "wrong" way to be on LinkedIn. Are you committing any of these LinkedIn "don'ts" that may be hindering your job search?
42 Powerful Questions to Ask in Your Job Interview
An interview should not be a one-way conversation with you only answering questions. While the interviewer evaluates you and your fit for the role, you should be doing the same, assessing whether the position and company fit you.
What Holds You Back From Networking Success?
Networking can be a powerful tool as part of your job search strategy. If you haven’t already been consistently doing it, you really should start. But be patient. You may not see results immediately.
Guidelines to Successfully Answer Why You Left a Previous Job
I asked this question in almost every interview I conducted. Why? Because I wanted to understand more about the person’s career moves. When a person changed job, it told me what was important in their life and career. It also told me if they struggled in a job. I wanted to know this to determine if the role that I had would be a good fit.
Ask The Career Coach: How To Handle Salary Questions
Recruiters know that asking about salary requirements is a needed part of their job but that it is also a game that employers and candidates play to see who can negotiate the best terms. If you are well qualified for the position but do not want to disclose your salary requirements in the application, someone from the company will likely reach out to speak with you.